Gravel Garden in focus – mid June 2020

I guess it is principally shade from the Miscanthus, now taller than I and threatening to sprawl over, that results in later flowering in the Gravel garden. The fruit trees to the east, shading it from the morning sun, and garage to the west, probably impact as well. At any event, by the second week in June, Gravel garden flowers are suddenly abundant.

Most striking among them, tall spikes of Yucca

All 3 of the Yucca planted originally have survived, but 1 of them is struggling and only a rosette of leaves remains. The other two are both superb this year.

The flowering shrubs are looking good too. Buddelia was out last week, but has been joined now by delicate Indigofera gerardiana

and Lepedeza thunbergii

which after a couple of years is now holding its own in competition with the Gaura, but certainly needs to be staked if it is fully to be enjoyed.

Perennials are flowering too, in shades of blue, tradescantia and geranium

and pink, Lychnis Rose Campion, doing better where self seeded than originally planted, and Hemerocallis. There seems to be a rogue burgundy shade among the pinks, which I will leave as the contrast is not displeasing.

Meanwhile back on the prairie Pennisetum Tall Tails is in full flower

and other Grasses are also looking at their best, notably the Panicums, this one virgatum Kupferhirse.

At a lower level there are a few surviving Eupatorium cannibum plenum

The Monarda, which I thought had been strangled by weeds, are doing well in places

and Penstemon Blackbird is looking great this year.

Last but not least of this weeks flowering shrubs the Punica in the Stone Circle.