Preparing the Ground – April to October 2012


While we had started planning for the “new” garden, work that summer consisted more in clearing than construction.

I made the first of several attempts at clearing wisteria terrace, at least to the point where it was possible for those of average height to walk through upright without sustaining serious head injury.


I had made an early attempt to cover over the earth mound created by the digging of the new fosse with a planting of windflowers, but few succeeded, so, seizing an opportunity to plant canna lilies, which I had long coveted but which are not suited to the Scottish climate, I decided on a “hot” garden of cannas and tall grasses, to which more recently I have added crown imperials, which failed, genista and iris for early season interest.

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It has proved a very successful planting, brightening the view from the kitchen window.

In June Guillaume cleared the trees from the top of the wall by the gate, though we had to wait many months for the rebuild. Lacking a trailer Peter had to improvise when it came to getting the logs up the hill to the woodpile, new use for a ride on mower.


I began to clear the flowerbed by the gate as well, aiming for a yellow and white theme, as it is a dark and shady area. It has proved something of a war of attrition with the local plant thieves, who for the first couple of years helped themselves to the choicer specimens almost as soon as they were planted.

I also made a first attempt at clearing the “dell” on the first terrace, which I felt had potential as a water feature. As ever this involved liberal application of weedkiller and a good deal of scything. I also discovered, when I disturbed one, that the deer thought it a good spot to shelter in the overgrown undergrowth, from the noonday sun.


Work went on in the house. The new roofs over the siting room and pigeonnier were completed after the April rain finally stopped. A torrential downpour in early June demonstrated a design fault with the sitting room roof when water flooded spectacularly into the hall, happily speedily resolved. We were, fairly readily, persuaded to sign up for photovoltaique panels on the roof of the garage. We paid for them, we sell the electricity to EDF. We signed the contract in mid June and with immense efficiency 3 delightful Kurdish lads turned up within 10 days to install them, demanding a cheque on the day in full settlement.


We had been promised we would be selling our electricity within 3 months, once ERDF had provided a connection to the grid. In the event it took 11 months to get the connection and 2 years to see a return on our investment.

We also replaced the crumbling volet on the entrance door and installed a burglar alarm , a safe and security cameras.

I was 60 in July and “les girls” came to visit.

60th Birthday_edited-1

Peter was invited to leave the ladies to their own devices and went off on a very hot cycling trip to Mont d’Or. He was rewarded for his efforts by the Duck in the Yellow Jersey, but continues to complain about being thrown out of the house by the monstrous regiment of women.

2012-07-22 17.14.00

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